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Section 1: Forcing Data Description
Hydrological Model
MESH (Modélisation Environnementale communautaire - Surface Hydrology)
Required Data
See precipitation rate [kg m-2 s-1 or mm s-1]
2. incoming shortwave radiation [W m-2]
3. incoming longwave radiation [W m-2]
4. air temperature [K]
5. wind speed [m s-1]
6. air pressure [Pa]
7. specific humidity [kg kg-1]
Data Sources
1. CaPA + GEM (from ECCC) (1/80) and other NWP, climate forcing or reanalysis data
2. Station observations
Spatial Resolution
Temporal Resolution
Sub-daily, 3 hourly or less
File Format
.r2c (default)
Support for
.csv, .nc, .seq (intent to replace .r2c with .nc)
Section 2: Features
Strengths and Limitations
● Dependency on ECCC for forcing data (GEM & CaPA)
● Other datasets (WRF, WFD, WFDEI, ANUSPLIN, UPGF, etc) and scripts (matlab) privately available
External and Internal Tools
● Different codes available for pre-processing and interpolating data for a catchment.
● Shell scripts, Fortan program, Python scripts, Matlab scripts
● GEM and CaPA relies on someone inside ECCC firewall to use shell scripts to pre-process the data for a basin.
● WFDEI-GEM-CaPA and bias corrected CanRCM4 relies on a matlab script written by Mohamed Elshamy.
TBD_STEPHEN Link to script please
Source Code Availability
● External code and tools are not publicly available.
Section 3: Workflow
Model Workflow
1. Download raw forcing data
2. Pre-processing raw data which includes resampling of forcing data over the MESH regular grids with spatial interpolation using external tools (true for NWP, Reanalysis or station observations)
3. Small basin setups can use station observations in .csv files.
Thanks to Prabin for synthesis of this data!