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Section 1: Project Information
Project Name
Led by
Lead 1
Lead 2
Lead 3
Lead 4
Ming-Ko Woo
Lawrence Martz
Dennis Lettenmaier
McMaster University
University of Saskatchewan
University of Washington
Science Committee Chair
International Advisory Chair
Contact Information
| 905-525-9140 ext. 24535
Classification (e.g., "GWF Pillar 3", "CCRN", etc.)
Project Websites
Project Description
The Canadian Mackenzie GEWEX Study (MAGS) focuses on understanding and modelling the flows of energy and water into and through the atmospheric and hydrological systems of the Mackenzie River basin.
The Mackenzie River basin yeilds the largest North American source of fresh water discharge into the Arctic Ocean. The Basin itself is subjected to wide climatic fluctuations, and is currently experiencing a warming trend. MAGS involved research into atmospheric, land surface, and hydrological issues assosicated with cold climate systems.
The Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) is an international effort developed by the World Climate Research Programme as a coordinated group of activities aimed at improving our understanding and prediction of the role that the water cycle plays in the climate system. The Canadian Mackenzie GEWEX Study (MAGS) represents a major contribution to this global effort.
GEWEX Objectives:
- measure global hydrological cycle and energy fluxes,
- model the global hydrological cycle and its impact on atmosphere, oceans and land surfaces,
- predict global and regional response of water resources to environmental change,
- advance observing techniques and data management and assimilation systems.
Project Participants
Philip Marsh | Theme 1 Leader | |
Murray Mackay | Theme 2 Leader | |
Charles Lin | Theme 3 Leader | |
E.D. (Ric) Soulis | Theme 4 Leader | |
Alain Pietroniro | Theme 5 Leader | |
Current Status of this Project