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Section 1: Publication
Publication Type
Journal Article
Gascoin, S., Barrou Dumont, Z., Deschamps-Berger, C., Marti, F., Salgues, G., López-Moreno, J.I., Revuelto, J., Michon, T., Schattan, P. and Hagolle, O.
Estimating fractional snow cover in open terrain from Sentinel-2 using the normalized difference snow index
Publication Outlet
Remote Sensing, 12(18), p.2904
Gascoin, S., Barrou Dumont, Z., Deschamps-Berger, C., Marti, F., Salgues, G., López-Moreno, J.I., Revuelto, J., Michon, T., Schattan, P. and Hagolle, O., 2020. Estimating fractional snow cover in open terrain from Sentinel-2 using the normalized difference snow index. Remote Sensing, 12(18), p.2904,
Sentinel-2 provides the opportunity to map the snow cover at unprecedented spatial and temporal resolutions on a global scale. Here we calibrate and evaluate a simple empirical function to estimate the fractional snow cover (FSC) in open terrains using the normalized difference snow index (NDSI) from 20 m resolution Sentinel-2 images. The NDSI is computed from flat surface reflectance after masking cloud and snow-free areas. The NDSI–FSC function is calibrated using Pléiades very high-resolution images and evaluated using independent datasets including SPOT 6/7 satellite images, time lapse camera photographs, terrestrial lidar scans and crowd-sourced in situ measurements. The calibration results show that the FSC can be represented with a sigmoid-shaped function 0.5 × tanh(a × NDSI + b) + 0.5, where a = 2.65 and b = −1.42, yielding a root mean square error (RMSE) of 25%. Similar RMSE are obtained with different evaluation datasets with a high topographic variability. With this function, we estimate that the confidence interval on the FSC retrievals is 38% at the 95% confidence level.
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