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Section 1: Publication
Publication Type
Journal Article
Das, A., Rokaya, P. & Lindenschmidt, K-E.
Ice-Jam Flood Risk Assessment and Hazard Mapping under Future Climate
Publication Outlet
In cold-region environments, ice-jam floods (IJFs) can result in high water levels in rivers to overtop levees, leading to devastating floods. Since climatic conditions play an important role in ice-jam flooding, there is a growing concern among property developers, insurance companies, government agencies, and communities on future IJF probabilities, especially in the context of changing climate. This study presents a stochastic framework for future IJF risk assessment and hazard mapping. Future hydrological conditions derived from a physically based hydrological model (forced with meteorological inputs from the Canadian regional climate model driven by two atmospheric-ocean general circulation climate models) were coupled to a fully dynamic hydraulic river-ice model to evaluate ice-jam scenarios and subsequent backwater-level profiles for the 2041–2070 period along the Athabasca River at Fort McMurray in Alberta, Canada. The modeling results show that future IJF risk will be lower and flood inundations less severe due to projected changes in climate, hydrology, and ice phenology in the 2041–2070 period compared to the baseline period of 1971–2000. However, extreme IJF events are still probable and can flood a considerable area of the town.
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