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Section 1: Publication
Publication Type
Jenkins Tia, Smith Rodney, Goucher Nancy, Persaud Bhaleka, Slowinski Stephanie, Szigeti Kathy, Clary Erin, Kruk Mary, Cowger Win, Stathis Kelly, Nielsen Mickey, Tran Lilian, Dukacz Krysha, & Van Cappellen Philippe.
Workshop Report: Maximizing the Value of Environmental Microplastics Data
Publication Outlet
Jenkins Tia, Smith Rodney, Goucher Nancy, Persaud Bhaleka, Slowinski Stephanie, Szigeti Kathy, Clary Erin, Kruk Mary, Cowger Win, Stathis Kelly, Nielsen Mickey, Tran Lilian, Dukacz Krysha, & Van Cappellen Philippe. (2021). Workshop Report: Maximizing the Value of Environmental Microplastics Data. Zenodo:
The workshop brought together microplastics researchers and data experts to explore how the
FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) could be applied to microplastics
data to improve data management. The workshop was discussion-based and focused on how the
accessibility of microplastics data could be improved with data repositories and the application of
data standards. A total of 50 people attended, who represented a range of roles related to
microplastics research, including data users, data generators, and data managers.
Ahead of the workshop, the first version of a microplastics (meta)data reporting template was
drafted and distributed to participants. Further discussions aimed to build consensus around a
standard set of metadata fields for the template, which could be used by researchers to increase
interoperability of data across research projects. Additionally, participants identified steps that
could be taken to support the ingest of microplastics data into FRDR and DataStream.
The workshop consisted of two two-hour sessions. It began with a presentation with Paul Helm
from the Ontario government on the challenges of microplastics data management, which included
examples of how having access to microplastics data could improve decision making. Our
workshop hosts then provided an overview of the FRI)R and DataStream repositories and shared
ideas for enhancing the accessibility of microplastics data. A panel of researchers shared their
current approach to data management, highlighting challenges they have encountered, and
identifying potential opportunities for increasing data accessibility. The panels were followed by
breakout groups that enabled all participants to discuss opportunities for applying the FAIR
principles to microplastics data. On the second day, our team presented the work we have done to
date to standardize environmental microplastics metadata. Participants also heard from Win
Cowger, Research Scientist from Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research whose earlier
work in the field helped form the basis for the template. The following breakout discussions were
used to gather feedback on the proposed metadata template and identify next steps associated with
implementing the template.
Through discussions in the breakout groups, participants made several recommendations for
improving the microplastics (meta)data reporting template. In general, participants agreed on the
need for increased training and education opportunities, support for continuous engagement with
the microplastics community and the incorporation of open science and FAIR principles.
Plain Language Summary
Section 2: Additional Information
Program Affiliations
Project Affiliations
Publication Stage
Presentation Format
Additional Information
Knowledge Mobilization Core Team, Non-Refereed Publications including Model Code, Data Publication, Research Reports, Briefs, Government Publication, and other forms of Grey Literature