Section 1: Overview
Name of Research Project
Program Affiliations
Related Research Project(s)
Dataset Title
A synthesis dataset of near-surface permafrost conditions for Alaska, 1997-2016
Additional Information
Creators and Contributors
We compiled a near-surface permafrost temperature dataset from 72 monitoring stations in Alaska using data collected by the U. S. Geological Survey, the National Park Service, and the University of Alaska-Fairbanks permafrost monitoring networks. The array of monitoring stations spans a large range of latitudes from 60.9°N to 71.3°N and elevations from near sea level to 1327 m. The major vegetation types are tundra and boreal forest. The resulting dataset consists of monthly air and ground temperatures, volumetric water content, and snow depth during 1997 - 2016. Due to the remoteness and harsh conditions, many stations have missing data. Overall, this dataset consists of 41,667 monthly values
Plain Language Summary
Wang Kang, Overeem Irina, Jafarov Elchin, Clow Gary, Romanovsky Vladimir, et al. 2018. A synthesis dataset of near-surface permafrost conditions for Alaska, 1997-2016. Arctic Data Centerdoi:10.18739/A2KG55.
Section 2: Research Site
Temporal Extent
Geographic Bounding Box
West Boundary Longitude
East Boundary Longitude
North Boundary Latitude
South Boundary Latitude
Is Boundary Rectangular
Research Site Images
Research Site Description (if needed)
The array of monitoring stations spans a large range of latitudes from 60.9°N to 71.3°N and elevations from near sea level to 1327 m across Alaska, USA. The major vegetation types are tundra and boreal forest.
Specific Locations (if needed)
Research Site Location
Map Not Available
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Section 3: Status and Provenance
Dataset Version
Dataset Creation Date
Status of data collection/production
Dataset Completion or Abandonment Date
Data Update Frequency
Creation Software
Primary Source of Data
Other Source of Data (if applicable)
Data Lineage (if applicable). Please include versions (e.g., input and forcing data, models, and coupling modules; instrument measurements; surveys; sample collections; etc.)
Section 4: Access and Downloads
Access to the Dataset
Terms of Use
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Downloading and Characteristics of the Dataset
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Total Size of all Dataset Files (GB)
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Other Data Formats (if applicable)
List of Parameters and Variables