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Section 1: Overview
Name of Research Project
Program Affiliations
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GWF-NGS: Next Generation Solutions for Healthy Water Resources | |
Dataset Title
Response of finescale dace (Phoxinus neogaeus) gut microbiome to in situ experimental selenium exposure
Additional Information
Creators and Contributors
Ankley, Phillip | | | University of Saskatchewan |
Graves, Stephanie | | | University of Saskatchewan |
Xie, Yuwei | | | University of Saskatchewan |
DeBofsky, Abigail | | | University of Saskatchewan |
Weber, Alana | | | University of Saskatchewan |
Brinkmann, Markus | | | University of Saskatchewan |
Palace, Vince | | | International Institute for Sustainable Development |
Hecker, Markus | | | University of Saskatchewan |
Janz, David | | | University of Saskatchewan |
Giesy, John | | | University of Saskatchewan |
Selenium is an environmental contaminant of global concern that can cause adverse effects in fish at elevated levels. Fish gut microbiome play essential roles in gastrointestinal function and host health and can be perturbed by environmental contaminants, including metals and metalloids. Here, an in-situ selenium (Se) exposure of female finescale dace (Phoxinus neogaeus) using mesocosms at the International Institute for Sustainable Development - Experimental Lakes Area (IISD-ELA) was conducted to determine the impacts of Se accumulation on the gut microbiome and morphometric endpoints. 16S rDNA metabarcoding was employed to describe the gut microbiome. This dataset includes the demultiplexed sequencing output, the feature table with rarefied counts, the taxonomic annotations of sequences, and the sample metadata.
Plain Language Summary
fish |
mesocosm |
metalloid |
nutrient |
freshwater |
hormesis |
Ankley, P. , Graves, S. , Xie, Y. , DeBofsky, A. , Weber, A. , Brinkmann, M. , Palace, V. , Hecker, M. , Janz, D. , Giesy, J. (2022) Response of finescale dace (Phoxinus neogaeus) gut microbiome to in situ experimental selenium exposure. Federated Research Data Repository.
Section 2: Research Site
Temporal Extent
Geographic Bounding Box
West Boundary Longitude
East Boundary Longitude
North Boundary Latitude
South Boundary Latitude
Is Boundary Rectangular
Research Site Images
Research Site Description (if needed)
ELA Lake 239, Ontario, Canada
Great Lakes
Specific Locations (if needed)
Research Site Location
Map Not Available
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Section 3: Status and Provenance
Dataset Version
Dataset Creation Date
Status of data collection/production
Dataset Completion or Abandonment Date
Data Update Frequency
Creation Software
Primary Source of Data
Other Source of Data (if applicable)
Data Lineage (if applicable). Please include versions (e.g., input and forcing data, models, and coupling modules; instrument measurements; surveys; sample collections; etc.)
Section 4: Access and Downloads
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Total Size of all Dataset Files (GB)
440 MB
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List of Parameters and Variables