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Section 1: Publication
Publication Type
Policy Document
Global Water Futures Secretariat and Data Management Team
Global Water Futures Data Policy
Publication Outlet
Global Water Futures Website
This policy document was established to govern the management, retention, use, and dissemination of data collected by the research activities of the Global Water Futures (GWF) program.
This policy is/will also be applied to all data resulting from the research activities of the Global Water Futures Observatories (GWFO) program (successor to the GWF program).
Plain Language Summary
The objectives of this policy are to:
-Outline the roles and expectations of GWF researchers and the DM Team in the collection, management, dissemination, and long-term preservation of data,
-Respect the rights of the data originators and software developers who have invested considerable effort in obtaining and/or generating data and developing software by ensuring consumers of these products use them ethically and with proper attribution to the originators and developers,
-Benefit society and research communities by promoting the re-use of data collected and generated through GWF-funded projects,
-Improve the transparency, efficiency, and reproducibility of research by ensuring that data is managed appropriately and that data can be found and discovered through a central metadata catalogue,
-Ensure that hydrometeorological, hydrometric, groundwater, soil moisture, snowpack, and water quality data useful for model development, parameterisation and validation is available in a central data repository,
-Foster collaboration among GWF-funded researchers and the general research community through clear mechanisms and mandates for data sharing,
-Protect privacy and respect data ownership rights, especially data that falls under OCAP (Ownership, Control, Access, and Possession) principles or their equivalent, and
-Encourage responsible data sharing by providing guidance to GWF researchers working with sensitive data.
Sections of the Policy address:
-Management and storage of data during the active phase (5)
-Data Sharing in Pre-Publication (6)
-Data Archiving, Discovery, and Access (7)
-Special Circumstances (7.1)
-Restricted Data (8)
-GWF-funded Software Development (9)
-Data and Software Use and Acknowledgemen (10)
-Questions to consider when making a Data Management Plan (Appendix A)
-Guidelines for documenting data
Section 2: Additional Information
Program Affiliations
Project Affiliations
Publication Stage
Presentation Format
Additional Information
Alternative Names:
GWF Data Policy
Global Water Futures (GWF) Data Policy
GWFO Data Policy
Global Water Futures Observatories Data Policy
Global Water Futures Observatories (GWFO) Data Policy