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Section 1: Publication
Publication Type
Journal Article
Liu, J., Elliott, J.A., Baulch, H.M.
Keeping Phosphorus on the Land: Workshopping a Bridge between Agricultural Production and Water Quality
Publication Outlet
UofS College of Agriculture and Bioresources
Liu, J., Elliott, J.A., Baulch, H.M. (2022) Keeping Phosphorus on the Land: Workshopping a Bridge between Agricultural Production and Water Quality. UofS College of Agriculture and Bioresources.
Management of the phosphorus (P) in prairie soils presents a challenging dilemma. Phosphorus is critical to continued agronomic productivity. Yet, management of P in prairie landscapes is also crucial to the protection of prairie lakes and reservoirs, which are highly vulnerable to issues of nutrient pollution and harmful algal blooms. Here we present detailed insights from a 2-day workshop “Keeping Phosphorus on the Land” where we worked to bridge the disciplines of water quality, and agronomy, and better understand issues, and opportunities within and across these areas of work as they relate to managing soil P. This report includes detailed insights and recommendations that reflect outcomes of presentations, panels, and discussions engaging researchers and practitioners in government, industry and universities from each of Canada’s three prairie provinces. It includes recommendations on ‘actionable’ areas, and areas where further research and dialogue is required. Readers are also directed to our short synthesis report, available here: Liu, J., H.M. Baulch, and J.A. Elliott. 2021. Keeping Phosphorus on the Land: Main Takeaways for Managing Soil Phosphorus in the Prairies. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. DOI:10.23688/1gvs-5333.
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