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Section 1: Publication
Publication Type
Conference Poster
Soleymani, A., Scott, K. A.
Inter-Comparison of Passive Microwave Sea Ice Concentration and Sea Ice Edge Estimation with Operational Ice Charts in Baffin Bay, 2013-2021
Publication Outlet
American Geophysical Union, Chicago, 12-16 December, 2023
Sea ice is at the ocean-atmosphere interface and plays a major role in the Earth's climate system. Sea ice changes in the Arctic and Antarctic occur at large and small spatial scales, and with a wide temporal window from seconds to years. Remote sensing methods can provide data at all these scales and the range of different techniques available (e.g., microwave, visible, and infrared; active and passive; polarimetric, interferometric and hyperspectral, etc.) has made remote sensing a fundamental tool for the study of sea ice and its geophysical properties. This session aims to highlight recent progress made in remote sensing of the sea ice system, including novel techniques (machine learning and multi-satellite approaches), applications for model evaluations, process studies and interdisciplinary investigations. In particular, we encourage submissions of recent remote sensing opportunities, including CRYO2ICE, MOSAiC, the use of commercial sensors, and preparation for upcoming missions, such as NISAR
Plain Language Summary