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Section 1: Publication
Publication Type
Conference Presentation
Soleymani, A., Scott, K. A.
Investigating the Passive Microwave Sea Ice Edge Estimation in Baffin Bay, 2013-2021
Publication Outlet
Arctic Science Summit Week, Vienna, Austria, 17-24 February, 2023
Soleymani, A., Scott, K. A. (2023) Investigating the Passive Microwave Sea Ice Edge Estimation in Baffin Bay, 2013-2021. Arctic Science Summit Week, Vienna, Austria, 17-24 February, 2023.
Sea ice along Baffin Island is one of the primary sections of the Northwest Passage. Sea ice retreat and increased shipping traffic may increase pollution, threatening wildlife and biodiversity. Therefore, it is of interest to monitor sea ice in this region. Passive microwave (PM) products are essential for long-term planning for ship navigation, wildlife studies, and climate monitoring. The ASI, NT2, and BT, three PM algorithms, are used in this study to determine the daily and monthly sea ice edge (SIE). In order to compare the PM SIEs (daily and monthly) with the daily ice charts from Canadian Ice Service, we introduced an edge-length-based displacement measure called edge displacement error (EDE). Results indicated that the EDE has the highest value and greatest day-to-day variability in November for all three PM algorithms since the ice edge is diffused in November as thin ice is emerging (freeze-up period). The ice edge location from the ice chart does not vary significantly on a day-to-day basis in January. The EDE has the lowest value in January for all three PM algorithms. According to our assessment, daily ice charts (available at a higher temporal frequency than regional/weekly ice charts) are helpful in SIE monitoring during the freeze-up period when SIE locations fluctuate frequently and can provide insight into these fluctuations. This study can assist in selecting an appropriate PM SIC product or in bias-correcting a PM product for fusion with ice charts or other SAR-based products
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