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Section 1: Publication
Publication Type
Book Chapter
Culp, J.M., Luiker, E.A., Brua, R.B., Musetta-Lambert, J.L., Halliwell, D.B., Lento, J.
Mackenzie River Basin
Publication Outlet
Rivers of North America (Second Edition), 2023, 746-792
Culp, J.M., Luiker, E.A., Brua, R.B., Musetta-Lambert, J.L., Halliwell, D.B., Lento, J. (2023) Mackenzie River Basin. Rivers of North America (Second Edition), 2023, 746-792.
The Mackenzie River chapter provides important reference information on the geology, hydrology, climate, ecology, human impacts, special features, and research and management needs for seven tributaries of the Mackenzie Basin. These tributary rivers, namely the Smoky, Steepbank, Hay, South Nahanni, Yellowknife, Arctic Red and Peel, are within the Lower and Upper Mackenzie freshwater ecoregions, include 10 physiographic provinces and Tundra, Taiga, Northwestern Forested Mountains, and Northern Forests Level I terrestrial ecoregions. Most of these basins were covered under the enormous, continental Laurentide Ice Sheet. Because of this glacial history, as well as the very harsh and cold climate where rivers are ice-covered for more than 6 months, riverine biodiversity is relatively low. The chapter provides a current review of the available literature on these basins and provides key recommendations for future research and management to protect and conserve these unique ecosystems
Plain Language Summary