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Section 1: Publication
Publication Type
Journal Article
Pisek, J., Sonnentag, O., Christensen, T.
Arctic science: resuming action without Russia
Publication Outlet
Nature, 615, 394-394
Russia’s undisputed scientific expertise in circumpolar Arctic regions has been crucial in helping to mitigate climate change (G. Rees et al. Nature 613, 243; 2023). Many countries have suspended academic ties with Russia after its invasion of Ukraine, so it is imperative for our understanding of pan-Arctic science that we strengthen collaborations between the other Arctic nations and between scientists from non-Russian institutions who have expertise in the Russian Arctic. The Arctic Council (see go.nature.com/3m2q63c) should take the lead in promoting and overseeing these initiatives. In the absence of Russian scientists’ contributions, field research is currently limited to non-Russian parts of the Arctic. The development and deployment of other options for advancing Arctic science must therefore be accelerated. For example, microwave remote sensing provides largely untapped opportunities to continuously monitor important controls on atmospheric carbon fluxes over the long, dark winter months and through clouds, rain or smoke. Rigorous assessment of vast Arctic regions inside Russia will depend on improved predictive skills of terrestrial biosphere models
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