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Duffy Ashleigh, Razavi Saman, Plessis Ana-Pietje Du, Gutwin Carl, Jardine Timothy, Strickert Graham E., Nabavi Ehsan, Wheater Howard
Advancing Integrated Modelling of Water Resources with Indigenous Expertise
Publication Outlet
Research Gate
Duffy Ashleigh, Razavi Saman, Plessis Ana-Pietje Du, Gutwin Carl, Jardine Timothy, Strickert Graham E., Nabavi Ehsan, Wheater Howard (2024) Advancing Integrated Modelling of Water Resources with Indigenous Expertise, Research Gate
Indigenous Peoples possess valuable insights for cultivating sustainable relationships between people and water. However, achieving sustainable water solutions through collaboration between hydrologists and Indigenous partners is impeded by divergences in their worldviews. To bridge this gap, we describe a process of "braiding" expertise to enhance "integrated modelling", acknowledged for providing holistic decision support for water resources management through the power of coupled models, yet falling short in representing Indigenous knowledge, which is unique in right and measure. We base our arguments on lessons learned from collaborating with people of First Nation and Métis backgrounds residing within the Saskatchewan River Delta, Canada. We set goals and outline potential pathways for braiding across four essential areas: data, code of conduct, agenda, and water valuation, critical for advancing the responsible, collaborative decolonization of hydrology and fostering a deeper understanding of natural systems and their sustainable management.
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