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Section 1: Publication
Publication Type
Journal Article
Gizaw Zemichael, Salubi Eunice, Pietroniro Alain, Schuster-Wallace Corinne J.
Impacts of climate change on water-related mosquito-borne diseases in temperate regions: A systematic review of literature and meta-analysis
Publication Outlet
Acta Tropica, Volume 258, 2024, 107324, ISSN 0001-706X
Gizaw Zemichael, Salubi Eunice, Pietroniro Alain, Schuster-Wallace Corinne J. (2024) Impacts of climate change on water-related mosquito-borne diseases in temperate regions: A systematic review of literature and meta-analysis, Acta Tropica, Volume 258, 2024, 107324, ISSN 0001-706X
Mosquito-borne diseases are a known tropical phenomenon. This review was conducted to assess the mecha-nisms through which climate change impacts mosquito-borne diseases in temperate regions. Articles were searched from PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Embase databases. Identification criteria were scope (climate change and mosquito-borne diseases), region (temperate), article type (peer-reviewed), publication language (English), and publication years (since 2015). The WWH (who, what, how) framework was applied to develop the research question and thematic analyses identified the mechanisms through which climate change affects mosquito-borne diseases. While temperature ranges for disease transmission vary per mosquito species, all are viable for temperate regions, particularly given projected temperature increases. Zika, chikungunya, and dengue transmission occurs between 18–34 °C (peak at 26–29 °C). West Nile virus establishment occurs at monthly average temperatures between 14–34.3 °C (peak at 23.7–25 °C). Malaria establishment occurs when the consecutive average daily temperatures are above 16 °C until the sum is above 210 °C. The identified mechanisms through which climate change affects the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases in temperate regions include: changes in the development of vectors and pathogens; changes in mosquito habitats; extended transmission seasons; changes in geographic spread; changes in abundance and behaviors of hosts; reduced abundance of mosquito predators; interruptions to control operations; and influence on other non-climate factors. Process and stochastic approaches as well as dynamic and spatial models exist to predict mosquito population dynamics, disease transmission, and climate favorability. Future projections based on the observed relations between climate factors and mosquito-borne diseases suggest that mosquito-borne disease expansion is likely to occur in temperate regions due to climate change. While West Nile virus is already established in some temperate regions, Zika, dengue, chikungunya, and malaria are also likely to become established over time. Moving forward, more research is required to model future risks by incorporating climate, environmental, sociodemographic, and mosquito-related factors under changing climates.
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