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Section 1: Publication
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Prevost, Sophie I.
Hydrogeological Characterization of Springs in the Bighill Creek Watershed
Publication Outlet
University of Calgary for Bighill Creek Preservation Society - resources
Bighill Creek, located near Cochrane Alberta, gains over half of its downstream discharge from Big Hill Springs. However, local residents and landowners have suggested that additional input is gained from a variety of smaller springs situated along the valley through which Bighill Creek flows. This thesis examines the occurrence and distribution of these small springs, characterizing them based on discharge, spring type, and water chemistry near the source. Discharge of Bighill Creek was measured upstream and downstream of the small springs to determine their contribution to the creek. Springs with discharge greater than 1L/min were mapped and the elevation of many of these was determined. Twenty-three springs (eight bedrock springs, fifteen contact springs) were located between the confluence of Big Hill Springs with Bighill Creek and the Fourth Avenue bridge that crosses Bighill Creek (approximately 7.7km southwest of Big Hill Springs). Contact springs were generally found at greater elevations than bedrock springs, though two springs were outliers in this trend. Spring flow was highly variable and in sum contributed approximately 725L/min between the 23 springs. Ion composition and electrical conductivity also varied among springs with higher electrical conductivity measured at spring clusters in the downstream portion of the study site. Isotope composition of the springs and Bighill Creek reflect the annual mean for local precipitation signifying that both winter and summer precipitation are the source of recharge.
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