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Latifovic, Lejla
The impact of insect defoliation on carbon fluxes in a temperate deciduous forest
Publication Outlet
MacSphere Open Access Dissertations and Theses
Latifovic, Lejla (2023) The impact of insect defoliation on carbon fluxes in a temperate deciduous forest, MacSphere Open Access Dissertations and Theses,
Temperate forests are an important global carbon sink. However, various environmental disturbances can impact carbon sequestration capabilities of these forests. In 2021, a record-breaking defoliation, caused by the spongy moth (Lymantria dispar L., formerly knows as the gypsy moth) occurred in eastern North America. In this study, we assess the impact of this spongy moth defoliation on carbon uptake in a mature oak-dominated temperate forest in the Great Lakes region in Canada, using eddy covariance flux data from 2012 to 2022. The forest is more than 90 years old and known as CA-TPD site in the AmeriFlux and global FLUXNET networks. Study results showed that prior to spongy moth defoliation the forest was a carbon sink with mean annual gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) of 1,367 ± 104, ecosystem respiration (RE) of 1,201 ± 145 and, net ecosystem productivity (NEP) of 197 ± 74 g C m−2 yr−1 over the 2012–2020 period. However, due the defoliation in the early growing season in 2021, GEP declined to 959 g C m-2 yr-1 and RE increased to 1,345 g C m-2 yr-1 causing the forest to became a large source of carbon with annual NEP of -351 g C m-2 yr−1. This large decline in annual NEP was a result of both reduced GEP (30%) and elevated RE (12%). However, in 2022, forest carbon fluxes recovered to pre-infestation levels, with a GEP value of 1,671 g C m-2 yr-1, an RE value of 1,287 g C m-2 yr-1, and an NEP value of 298 g C m-2 yr-1, indicating that the forest was once again a large carbon sink. This research demonstrates that major transient natural disturbances such as the 2021 spongy moth defoliation can have a significant impact on forest carbon dynamics in a future warmer climate. The extent to which North American temperate forests will remain a major carbon sink will depend on the severity and intensity of these disturbance events and rate of recovery of forests following the disturbance.
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